Thursday, July 26, 2007

Part 2: Military Helicopters Over East Field Wheat Formation

Linda Moulton Howe's continuation of the crop circle article I posted July 20th.

Part 2: Military Helicopters Over East Field Wheat Formation

By Linda Moulton Howe

"There was a terrible smell from the helicopter.
I can describe it as being a sulfurous smell – very powerful!
It made my eyes burn. I noticed half a dozen other people as well –
they were quite severely affected. I saw one man throwing up
into the crop.... and my dosimeter shot up very high between 300 and 500 ...
which means get out of the place. It’s dangerous!"
- Andrew J. Buckley, U. K. Graphic Designer


Aggressive swarming by unmarked black helicopters, possible infra-sound, significant yet transitory radiation levels. Very disturbing.

Crop Circle Connector -- the primary British crop circle resource. They provide a valuable service, and membership wil give you access to their archives. Please show your support for them.

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